I am so ashamed. I could not look up. What is she doing to my blog page? My Mom is computer challened some times. Please excuse the links if she did them wrong? She wanted to add you'all to our page, but it just does not look right. Does it? If any of you have a correction or what she did wrong, please tell her. She used the help section (of what she could find on adding a link), and the add a page element, and this is how they listed them on the side. With this wrench thing on the side by each name. What's that about? Is it okay? Please correct her, as I don't what her messing up my blog page.
Thanks, MayaMarie
Hi MayaMarie. To put links on our webpage, we just added a page element and put the links in. It might be your template that makes them look like that. Our template makes ours have little green blobs by them. I don't know how to fix that. We aren't that web saavy either!
Steve and Kat
Ha roo, looks good, MayaMarie!
Speaking of looking good ... oooooh, those cookies look tasty! And I didn't know you had a sister! How cool!
Stormy said you're now a Trooper in the Ao4! Congrats! Go to our blog, click on the cool Ao4 icon in the sidebar, and in that post you'll see all the Troopers AND our secret email address. Shoot us a message and we'll send you a cool code to put in your sidebar (with simple directions!) so we can be linked up! It's COOL!
Play bows,
Woo MayaMarie... The blog is looking great! I checked my link and your mom added it just fine!!! Sometimes the help section is not very good.
Hi, MayaMarie.
It looks good for me. Your mom did it right. Even if my link is not there! Ha-ha!
Have a good night
Looks fabulous!!! Some templates just have those thingy's on them, not sure why.
Whenever I have computer problems, I always ask Stormy of the Ao4 cuz she is VERY computer savvy!!
I think your links look good!!! NO problem.
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