A mama duck was going down the sidewalk with her babies and you should have seen the humans stopping traffic to let them cross the street heard them in the right direction. Lake Pontchartrain is about 4 blocks from our house and so the humans wanted to be sure they got there with out any problems. I would have helped, but my Mom said that my help was not needed. Oh well, I offered.
wut cool visitors you haf at your house! i wish ducks walked across my driveway like that - but all i get are stupid skwerrels and robins that poop on my dog car.
Hi MayaMarie! What a pretty name you have! Did you see the movie "Eight Below"? I really liked Maya in the movie. That was a great movie!! My alltime favorite dog movie!
Anyhow, thanks for visiting my bloggy. I see you are fairly new to the blogging world. Welcome!
My momma was driving in the car the other day and the momma duck and lots of baby ducks tried to cross the road. There was a car right behind my mom's car, so momma couldn't stop immediately else the car behind her was gonna smash into her. So, momma swerved to the side to avoid the ducks. The stupid ducks musta saw my momma's car coming, so they started rushing to cross the road, almost getting right in the way of my momma's car. Ducks aren't that smart I tell ya. Here she was trying to avoid them and they were purposely trying to get in her way!! Sigh...
Hi MayaMarie, nice to meet you. Both you and your sister Missy are very pretty pups! We found you guys in the comments section of the AO4's blog. We hope you join the DWB group. Its the best! We get ducks in our yard once in a while too. If you go to our blog, you'll see what else was in our yard the other day! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hi Maya!
Wow. Don't you just love it when you get to smell something new like that?
Ducks!?!? How cool! There are big flocks of geese that fly over our house, but I don't think I've ever seen a duck. Probably the lack of water.
Maya Marie! Go to this link: http://www.dogswithblogs.com.au/submitblog.htm and type your info in! Let me know how it goes for you! We'd love to have you as part of the group!
Tail wags,
Hi to you'all. Thanks for visiting.
Ivy, we don't have much problems with birds, as there are less since the hurricane they talk about. Just the evil squirrels. And they have been busy in trees, so there will be more of them.
Hanna, your momma is as bad as mine. She stops traffic too for the ducks to cross. As long as she doesn't bring one home, I'll be okay.
Tasha and Eva your bunny friend is cute.I have stuffie bunny, but yours looks like more fun to pay with.
Dakota, my favorite smell is when mom bakes my cheesy oat biscuts. That's the best!
Army of Four. I never saw geese, but Missy did when she and my parents were in Green Bay, WI last year. She tried to chase them, but there were just too many. My Mom went to the link your mom instructed and filled out the questions. We want to join you'll group.
Husky kisses to all. MayaMarie
Oh wow! Those are cool visitors. I live close to where come geese live. They are cool to look at. They hiss at me (I think just for fun). Mom won't let me get too close to them.
Hi MayaMarie...
My name is Ruby, nice to meet you. I love Sibs!!! You are the coolest doggies. Those duckies were cute too, but not as cute as you and your sister. Those cookies from the post the other day looked good. Can your Mom post the recipe??? I've convinced my Mom to bake for me and I'm always looking for new recipes!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm sorry you got sick from the recalled food, but I'm glad you're okay. Cute duckies! The statue of Cubby is awesome, where did your humans have that made?
I want ducks to visit me! We just have stupid no-possums and raccoons!
Duck is very yummy! It's one of the only things my Sibe sibling Samuel can eat! He's allergic to everything!!! And, very sad, whiney and pathetic!
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