Hello My Furry Friends! Remember I told woo that I was waiting for some "special" cookies to come out of the oven...... Wooo..... They are here! Do woo see this cutie kitty. It's Huffle! Afer a lot of searching and finally getting just the right cookie cutters........
we have something new to share. We have named a set of cookies after our Honorary Husky Cat, Huffle!
These are all of Huffle's poses that we found just the right cookie cutters to match!
We are gonna call them the "Huffle Dog Cookie Pack! Here is the pan of Huffle Dog Cookies that mom made for us to try. Of course, since Huffle is an Honorary Husky, there's some Husky cut outs too! Mom is gonna be adding these to the website, and woo can get them in your favorite flavor!
We think that Huffle is the smartest and bestest kitty friend we know, and she deserved a set of cookies named after her. Now we just have to work on getting some of these cookies to Huffle........
We hope woos had a Happy Thanksgiving, and be sure to give and get lots of hugs!
A Very Spoiled Husky that lives in the South where it is way too hot. I have an older sister, Missy a Shepherd Husky. Before both us was the big guy, an Alaskan Malamaute "Cubby". And now we have a new sister husky, Bella
...and now that they've khooled, how yummt are they?
We hope all of woo had a great Thanksgiving too!
I know I'm thankful fur Happy Hearts!
PeeEssWoo: We'll be ordering soon - the last bag is khoming out of the freezer SOON!
How wonderful for Huffle - those look just great - we will be sure to add some of them to our next order - soon.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi, MayaMarie, Missy and Bella!
I am sure the new Huffle cookies are delicious!
Kisses and hugs
I LOVE them! Your mum is so very clever! I hope lots of pups order Huffle Happy Hearts!
What a great honor for Huffle (though are humans tell us we can not eat Huffle and Huffle likenesses, so now we are confuse).
Those are pretty cute. If I get some, I will pretend that they are Wilbur so when I get mad at him, I can crunch down on some cookies instead of him.
That is SO COOL! I read the exciting news on Huffle's blog! This is BIG STUFF!!!
Play bows,
We bet our girl would actually let us eat those kitties!!!! hehehehe
WOO, nice Huffle cookies! We need to get our humans to feed us more cookies so they can order us some. They really need to get to work on that.
(PS we posted HH pics on our blog today and woo are welcome to use them if woo want)
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
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