I have to tell woo all about tails.... Woo see, I like to use Bella's fluffy tail as a pillow when I am sleeping on the cool tile floor. It's very comfy and Bella does not mind.

Well, Dad said that our fluffy tails may be pretty, but he wanted ... do woo see this? Aligator tail on the grill. Mom says this is what happens when she sends him to the grocery unsupervised. This is our stuffie aligator and Dad wanted us to see that it could be tastey on the grill.

Husky Hugs to all. MayaMarie
What a VERY interesting tale about tails! :)
You're also good at keeping each other's backs warm, which will be especially helpful come winter. I'm with Bella-spit that stuff out! What you really oughta try is iguana! Now THAT'S some goooood eatin'!
Your tails are multi tasking!
One for a pillow, one for a blankie!
Aligator tail?? I am not so sure about it according to your reactions!
Kisses and hugs
Alligator sounds scary!! But I like the idea of having someone's tail around to lay on. That looks comfy.
Alligators khan be furry skhary things!
Mom says it is only okay too - tastes like darkmeatkhat - I mean chikhken!
Mom shared some of the 3Cheese Squirrels today with Spice and Ryon.
Spice buried hers in the mulch! It was soooo khute!
They both loved them!
Of khourse, now Mom is going to go have one of MINE!
Dad has eaten crocodile before which he says tastes like chicken. If it tastes like chicken, why not call it chicken?
Huffle Mawson
You are the first pups and bipeds we have ever heard of to try alligator - we trust your judgment so we won't woo at mom to get us some. Now if it were alligator-shaped Happy Hearts, that would be just pawfect - we love those!!!
That last photo is just the greatest")
woos, the OP Pack
WOO WOO MayaMarie and Bella
We loved your tail pictures!!! And we are certainly enjoying our cookies!!! They are awesome!
Thor and Marco Polo
We love that last picture. I have your back ! ! !
Gators can be furry scary creatures. We had one in our house that I had to protect Momma from!
Cheese on a cheese cracker sounds yummy!
Mom had alligator tail once in Florida. She said she couldn't get the thought out of her head about what it was to even make judgements on the taste. She has mental blocks to some food. I think that it speaks volumes about the taste if even you pups didn't eat it!
That's a whopper of a tail tale! Mom says she doesn't think she'd even try alligator tail, and woo are furry adventurous for giving it a whirl. Three-cheese sqwirrels sound MUCH tastier!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Great pics - Our Mommy was going to call you today - but didnt want to bother you - but she wants us to tell you she was so touched that you called her to check on DaWoodster -
those are some great pics - and alligator sounds kinds yummy
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Adore those pix of you and Bella. That after dinner treat sounds very scrummy. yum
Ok, EWWWWWW! Aligator just sounds WRONG! No wonder you didn't eat it.
Love the sleepy tail pics!! Can't wait to try the new cookies!
After the alligator tail, I really want to know what those pics are that you have in store. :)
Hi - love your huskies :) I have a new blog at http://www.guineapigruninfo.com - would you like a blogroll link exchange? Please see my pages, they're all about the needs of guinea pigs
(especially space and a special section on adopting). Thank you - info@guineapigruninfo.com
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