Missy's foot issue is all better. Mine is kinda better, but the cyst thing is has not gone away yet. I think mom is gonna bring me in to the vet next week to check on it. It's smaller and it does not hurt, but she wants it checked anyway.
Now about the dishwasher. Do you pups get involved with this dishwasher in your houses? Whenever mom opens the door to it I go check and see if it's beeing filled (those dishes are great to clean) or emptied (clean dishes we are not supposed to lick), but Bella gets under the door. Do you see this? She crawls under it when mom opens it.

And, lo and behold, here is a video of me getting my bowl out. She actually got it on film and you'all get to see it. I am just toooooo smart, don't you think? Bella was amazed! She has a really good video of me and Bella playing, but blogger said it's too long, so mom has to figure out how she can share that. But do enjoy this one.
We're working on the dog cookie menu, so we'll be letting you know soon about ordering dog cookies.
Everyone stay safe, keep cool, and if you need them, we are sending good woo wooing vibes.
Husky Hugs to all, MayaMarie
Oh MayaMarie... woo are so funny getting woo bowl out of the dishwasher! Too funny! I like to help with the dishwasher, but I try to inspect the dirty dishes mom puts in it.
Too khute!
I like that dishwasher thing too - I always hang around to see if I khan do the prewash!!
OH YES - I'll be pawing an order fur some khookies!!!
And since you've seen proof of my work, woo know that means I get allowance to spend on GOODIES!!!!
PeeEssWoo: That Bella sure is a khutie
Oh, Maya Marie! That is TOO much! I love to help PACK the dishwasher but never THOUGHT about helping UNpack! You're a genius!
Play bows,
Such a talented girl. Momma's worried that you may be giving me ideas.
Princess Eva
P.S. You've got mail
It's Mr Thor, the handsome White Sibe from Iowa. I love you too Bella - I want to come and visit you! And Maya Marie- You are so smart getting your own bowl - We don't have one of those dishwasher things?
Can we link to you?
Your new Friends from Iowa
Mr Thor, Almost Obedient One
Humans always appreciate when we help in the kitchen!
Hi, MayaMarie!
You are sooooo smart! Good job getting your bowl out of the dishwasher! I am sure Bella will learn to do that soon!
The weather sure is crazy! I hope all our friends are safe!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
YOU are awesome, MayaMarie! Jack likes to lick the dishes when the dishwasher is being loaded (humom keeps telling him that's gross.) Bella is pretty funny, lying under the door like that. She's getting big, too!
I love the video!!!! How cute that you took your bowl out!! I think that is a sign that you need more food!
Or more treats. I think you need to do much more taste testing of your mom's treats!! Cuz, from what I hear, they are PAWSOME!!!!
That is an impressive skill!
We can't wait to have more of your mom's cookies!
WOo woo, KA
oh I love to help clean teh dirty dishes too. You are one smart girl to take your bowl out of the dishwasher. I try to take all the dishes out of it and get yelled at.
YOU are a talented pup!! Mama won't let any of us anywhere NEAR her precious dishwasher!
MayaMarie - that's brillint! Clearly you were reminding Mom that food dishes are for putting food in. I'll have to remember that technique. I've been dubbed the official pre-rinse cycle at our home.
That's funny that you guys like the dishwasher so much. I wonder if Bella thinks it's a doggie crate! I'm so glad that everyone is doing okay.
Hugs, Kodak
You must have been hungry! That is an obvious sign that you need food.
I like the dishwasher, but it's so confusing. Sometimes Mom is okay with my face and tongue on the dishes and sometimes she's like "Steve, No! Go outside!" Make up your mind, Mom!
Hiya My MayaMarie,
You helps to unload yur bowl when it is clean & I helps my mommy by cleaning off the dishes befores she starts the dish washer. She's not happy when I do that, but I want to make doubly sure that the dishes will get spic-span clean for her & daddy. I'm such a help! I put a plug in my bloggie about yur mommy's new business & how yummy her biscuits are. Well, they are - Cosi & I wolfed the samples down that you all sent to us! Keep our mommy posted on yur mommy's business wif updates. We wants to order sum more.
Luv & kissies,
-Yur Juneau-
Bella is so silly to hide under the door! I'm like you - I poke my nose in to see if there is something good to lick. Never pulled anything out before though.
Our dishwasher is too old and doesn't work well anymore. My humans are lazy with doing the dishes....if their Gram could see it....she might fall over. :P
I wish I could help out like MayaMarie does. :)
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