Well, I went first and I have to say the new huskymobile is great! They just love me at the vet's office. I make these soft woos and I actually jump on mom's lap while we wait. My vet, I love him. I gave him lots of kisses, even if he did stick me with that needle and prod me with that little stick (you know where). I'm a very petite girl, my weight is 38 pds. He even gave me an A+ on my report.

Here's Missy helping mom catch Bella for her appointment. This alone was an event. When the little white dog gets out, we all have to help to catch her. Bella weighs 22 pds, and she has to go back for some more of those puppy shots in a couple of weeks. Ha roo roo roo. Mom said she was very bad at the vet. She kept roo rooing at these three chichachua dogs and she would not stop. Then she of course had to be her cute self and woo the vet.

Well, we'll take some more pictures and hopefully a new video.
Husky Hugs to all. MayaMarie
Keeping dry?
Woo really need to get your bipeds to move!!!
It is SiberKhool here!!
Nice to see woo all had 'fun' at the vet and the new huskymobile suits woo!
It is furry neat to see Bella grow up!
Wags & Wuv,
Wooos & a-rooos Mayamarie!
I went to a new vet a couple days ago too. They have a nice new office, & she seemed pretty nice. I only had to get stuck once, and now all my shots are up to date. I surprised everyone when I stepped on the scale, I lost 9 lbs. after Sherman passed on cause I got too depressed to eat. I used to weigh 53 lbs, but now I only weigh 44 lbs. Well, today is my birthday & I plan to eat a LOT!
Bella is really growing fast!!! She looks like a whole different dog than a few weeks ago!
Wooos, Star
(& a-roos from Jack, too!)
I hope you all keep warm and dry too!
Bummer about the vet trip but it's good to hear you are all doing so well.
MayaMarie, it's cool if you don't like the rain. I don't like it either. I hate to get my paws wet unless it's in a lake or something where I can swim. Wet grass... ewww!! I'm glad that you all got a clean bill of health from the vet. Your mom takes such good care of you with your homemade food, so I'm not surprised!
Ha roo, Maya Marie! Sorry we haven't visited in a while! We've missed you! We used to love those rope toys ... until I started eating them, too. Mom never lets us have them any more. :(
ICE is WONDERFUL! I sit by the magic cold box and wait for Mom to get some for me every afternoon!
Glad to hear the vet trips went well: it sounds like you have a great doc! Hope you all received lots of treats for your good check-ups.
it's me Mona
me wants ya to come over and tell mw what breed Copper be
bet ya can't guess!!
We visited Clive and his family. We sent lots of Sibe Vibes their way. Ice is cool (get it!??!) and we love it during the hot summers especially. Sometimes Mom makes giant ice cubes in a disposable cup and lets us play with it outside when it's hot. We love our new vet alot too. Everyone there always fusses over us and we love that.
I am so sad. Clive lost his battle. I went to his blog to see how he was doing and read the sad news.
Glad to hear that your visits to the vet went well.
Here is cold but thankfuly with no rain.
Kisses and hugs
Glad to hear everyone is healthy and the vet visit wasn't too bad! I finally clawed the computer from mom and get to blog now!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Sounds like there has been a few vet visits this week. Amici doesn't like his nails clipped either.
Thanks for checking in on us. We're hanging in there. My human will try to post tonight about Sat. morning.
We actually warmed up to 44 today, and it felt like spring!! Mom had the back door open and a couple other windows to let in the fresh air. So, compared to our below zero temps just a few days ago, this was like a heat wave!! We all hung out outside in the warm sun and melting snow.
Mom wants to know if you want to join our SiberMal Society? Drop me an e-mail (hollyshouse5 at yahoo dot com) and she will tell you more about it. There are 18 of us, mostly bloggers who spend a lot of time chatting!
We don't like the vet. Our girl takes both of us at the same time, but she says she doesn't think she could handle three. Good job to Missy for losing weight and getting off the medicine.
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