Hi my furry friends! Hope all of you are doing okay with the weather. We are still having spring and I am so glad mom has the husky air on. We think winter missed us completely. This morning mom baked us peanut butter oat cookies. I got to clean the jar. It was so good.
Then we went outside for a while. Mom and Dad put all these bricks down on the weekend. There's less dirt and it wears down our nails. So that's okay with us. Of course, I had to aggravate Missy. Somebody has too!
This is what I got for helping with the DWB Christmas cards. I kept bringing mom the ball because we needed a break from all that card making.
Well, we are helping mom make more biscuits. Some of her friends want some for presents for their pups. We are the quality control team, and we have to taste each batch and we get the ones that get a little too brown on the edges. It's such a tough job. I think the last batch needed more cheese.
We have been getting so many cards. They are so pretty and fun. We will get her to take a picture of the bulletin board after she puts the ones we got today on it. We will try to visit each of sender's blog, but it will take a while, so be patient.
Husky Hugs to All.
Looks like a superfun day! Peanut butter is the BEST (next to spready-cheese!!)
I got your card yesterday...thank you!
Cleaning the peanut butter jar - yumm yumm! Good job on quality control.
Yummy......I duped mm and dad into thinking I need to have peanut butter to take my pill....so I get some twice every day!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
What? There is cheese in your biscuits? I need me some of those. haha. Mom has our air on too. She says this weather is depressing her.
Hi, MayaMarie
I feel bad right now. You are talking about peanut butter and yummy treats and I am on a diet!
I am kidding! Good job supervising and tasting them!
There is no cold weather for us either!
Have a good night
Awww, you look so sweet & innocent with that star on your head! Just don't eat it. (Sherman ate a green vinyl star once. (Mom found it while she was scooping the yard - never did figure out how a green star got in his *oop*) What a good job you must have done helping to bake biscuits! MMMM, we love peanut butter too!
yummy wooos,
Star & Jack-a-roo
Yummy! We love peanut butter!
A pretty red star for a pretty husky star, perfect!
Bama & the RHP
Licking the peanut butter jar is the BEST! How lucky for you!
We have never seen a squirrel and don't know what those are, but they sure sound exciting! We can hardly wait to see them.
Comet and BLU
Ok...our Mom needs to make some PB cookies for us RIGHT NOW! I can't look at that jar & be expected to suffer without them.
We have to tell Dogdad about letting us lick the peanut butter jar. He kind of scrapes it clean for us -- but we bet there's lots more yumminess in there.
Thank you for the cute card, with "lagniappe" Santa!!
Come visit us when you have time!
Jake and Just Harry
Maya oh Maya Marie!
We got your beautiful picture card yesterday in the mail! You and Missy look great under that tree!
And with Big Bows on! You did good!!!! Thank you for the card.
How were those peanut butter cookies? Does your Mom have a special husky recipe?
Frankie Grrrl
Mmmmm! The peanut butter oat ones are the BEST! Mom made some yesterday. I think I'm going to do the DWB Christmas card thingy next year. That'll give them all year to chase us around with the camera to get a good picture.
More of your yummy cookies! Oh, my tummy cannot resist them! :) Have a bunch for me MayaMarie and Missy!
This card exchange has been extra fun. Today we got 5 cards in the mail. It has been fun to meet new dogs and get cards from doggie friends. :)
Hey MayaMarie and Missy. We got your Christmas card yesterday. You guys are so cute all decorated for Christmas. We think there might have been treats involved for you two to pose so nicely! We had to do the same. MayaMarie, you have such a great job of quality control husky! And you also did a great job helping relieve your mom during the card signing. Thanks again for the fabulous Christmas card! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
We were so excited today to see your card in the mail. It is beautiful. That's a great picture of you two under the tree, and we love all the footprints (but they look a little small for your feet!)
Comet and BLU
card making is definately a hectic routine...
i juz wanna enjoy card receiving instead...
left all d hardwork for miss owner...
Hiya MayaMarie,
You look like you wur enjoying yurself licking the peanut butter jar. Our mommy wuvs crunchy jif pb. It does not agree wif daddy or Cosi. I lke the pb flavor in my kong. That star looks so good on you.
Hugs & kissies,
-Yur Juneau-
Oh how totally sweet of you and your momma to pack us up some of your
delights! We can't wait, we know they will be so super fantastic, straight from the Maya and Mom factory kitchen! So sweet, and thank you.... we look forward to them. My Mom can't wait to see the recipe, tell you mom thanks a
bunch from her, k!
Wooo Wooooo Cookies
Husky and Labbie Hugs to you and your Mom....
Frankie Grrrl and Maddie the Chocolate Labbie
I hope that my Human bakes me cookies this weekend. I'll even help clean up!
You have been nominated for Post of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :-)
Howrooo Grrrls!
We got a knock on the door today, mom went to answer & saw the UPS man just driving away, and said, "what's this, I didn't order anything". As she came back in the house she was saying "huskies got a Christmas present!"
Thank woo SO much for the yummy cookies, we all loved them, even Cracker & he's a picky eater! Woo 2 grrrrls were so sweet to think of us. Mom says thanks for including the ingredients, but she needs your recipe cause they were such a big hit! We think woo two grrrls should open a pupaurant, woo are excellent chefs!
Thank woo again,
Bama, Chili, Cracker & Mikki
My mom let me clean out the peanut butter jar just the other day. I loved it!
Glad woo are staying KHOOL!
If woo want, head this away - we are going to get more white khold stuff!
Maybe you khan swing through GA and snag Sitka!
Wags and Wuv,
We loved the card you sent us! Did your mom make it? It was very cute. Thank you!!
Steve and Kat
PS. Is your dad's name Steve? We thought that is what the card said. If so, Steve says he must be one cool dude.
Thank you for your card! We love it!
I have gotten so many cards, and haven't gotten any pictues of them yet. The stupid human woman is being very lazy when it comes to taking care of my business!
That is so cool you get to clean out the jars- I'll have to get my humans onto that one!
Your blog looks great by the way!
Ha roo roo roo! I love the star on your forehead! You must have been VERY good to get that! :)
Mom wants to know if she can come down and soak up your warmth and sun. We're happy here - we got tons of SNOW on top of the ice!
Play bows,
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