Me Update
Hi my furry friends. I'm feeling better. Thanks for all the good vibes you'all must be sending. I can't play with my stuffies, they are either to big for this lampshade thing, or I want to run with them and mom has a fit and yells "no" and "stop." I just wanna play. She felt sorry for me, and saved me the stuffing box from dinner. Well it was kinda fun, just the goofy lampshade gets in the way.
Yes, my paws are still wrapped. Since a few of you have been asking, my dew claws had some issues. When mom got me as a little pup (8 weeks old) the breeder told mom that her policy was to have her vet remove them (or that's what they thought they were doing). Mom did not know anything about dew claw removal and she feels bad enough about me having to go thru this. (And please don't be upset at mom. She knows she took a chance when she got me from a breeder in another state, and she does not regret her decision to get me and she would never send me back becasue of this. (Some really mean people actually told her to return me because I was defective. How can people say somethine like that and make her cry. Mom fell in love with me the moment she saw me.) Like the vet said, it's a chance you take, and no matter what, he called me "A definite keeper." Mom did inform the breeder for this for future pups. My vet said the dew claw removal, or attempt to, was a very poor job. My right paw had no claw, but there was this nub on my paw and you could feel some kind of bump under it. My left paw still had the claw, and it grew curled into my skin and would get infected. My vet felt it was best for me to have them both removed while he was "fixing" me. The bandages have to stay on until I go for my checkup to get my stichnes out. I do want to go on record as saying "I was not broken." And this fixing involved stiches in my tummy and I can't jump on my sofa or look out my window or bother Missy. No fair. Missy gets to lounge in the sun room and go outside. But I'm treated like a princess. So aroo roo roo.
Now, I did make mom feel sorry for me. I have so wanted to sleep curled in my doughnut. Oh how I missed that. I've been trying, but my tail just could not get to my nose. So she took that goofy lampshade off. She said just for a while, while she can keep an eye on me so I don't lick or bite something I'm not supposed to. And it goes back on later, but I can live with that. Oh, this is gonna be a great husky nap. I'm making the most of it. Thanks again for your well wishes. Husky Hugs to all, Mayamarie.
SO glad to hear you are feeling better. I hate what stupid humans do sometimes. Good for your mom for standing by you!!!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hi, MayaMarie
Defective?? I have bad words for the ones who said that!
Forget about them!
Glad you are doing well. Wait just a little more and you will be watching from your window soon!
Have a good night
Hi Maya,
thanks for keeping me in your prayers. i'm ok now. the mommy is sooo happy and OMDog, she's finally stopped crying. You'll be better soon...I just know it.
Love & healing kisses from Jacks
Oh MayaMarie, how terrible for you to have to wear the lampshade! I am so sorry about your dew claws. I have no idea why humans think they need removed in the first place. We all have ours, and as long as they keep trimmed, they do fine. When mom got Shula at the age of 13 1/2, her dew claws were grown curled around back into her skin. Luckily, the vet cut them down and the skin healed but she did not have to have them removed. I sure hope you heal soon,. Sounds like that "vet" should not be a vet if he didn't know what he was doing and ended up causing so many more problems! Are you getting lots of treats at least?
Husky kisses & get well wishes for a speedy recovery, Maya Marie!! Juneau is going to our vet tonight & he will get "fixed" tomorrow. We should be able to pick him up tomorrow evening. He'll be wearing a lampshade, too, so you 2 can talks about how much you hate wearing them together.
P.S. No human or animal is perfect. Take a look at mommy's Charlie Horse. He has a very short neck. When he goes to eat grass, he has to put one of his front legs way out so he can bend down. People call him a pony & laugh, but he is not a pony, but horse size. His short neck is misleading. He is just a compact model!
Oh, I'm so glad you are feeling better. How awful about the dew claw removal, there is NO reason to do that! And they they didn't even do it right!
I like your pink bandages, very dainty. Take it easy, feel better, and make your humans feel really bad for you so you get lots of special treatment!
Wow, I can't believe your parents are being so good about the lampshade! My parents put it on me for one night and felt so bad for me that I didn't have to wear it any more. I never bothered my stitches though. And they sent Steve to boarding for a week while I healed. I guess they didn't think they could stop us from wrestling!
Oh Maya, We hate the stoopid stuff humans do thinking they know better than nature! We're so sorry you had to got through all that with the dew claws, that sounds horrible. But we're all really glad your mommy loves you & takes good care of you. We all think that breeder is the one who is defective, maybe someone should remove his thumbs and see how he likes it? Glad you finally got "conehead" free time to rest, feel better soon!
Bama & the RHP
Hi Missy, we didn't forget you!
You poor, sweet baby!!! Your mom is the BESTEST - give her one gentle lick on the nose for me, OK?
Is Missy helping you get better? She really missed you while you were gone! So did the rest of us out here in Siber-space! HA rooo!
Feel better soon, MayaMarie! Try to listen to your mama!
Play bows,
Oh MayaMarie... I am so sorry you are still having to wear the lampshade. However, I am glad your mom took it off so you could curl up!!!
Hugs cutie!
Hi MayaMarie,
Thanx for asking about an update on Juneau. Mommy called our vet at 12:00. He's was pretty quiet there over night. He hasn't had his procedure yet, but his pre-surgery bloodwork came back all good. They said that he has been resting & quiet (unbelievable!!) & they did give him a little pre-surgery relaxing meds, too. They'll probably be taking him in mid-afternoon. Mommy will be posting updates. They said to call around 5:00 & he should be coming home tonight.
I am glad you are feeling okay. The next time someone tells your mom to return you, tell them you would give the same advice to their mamas. I have funky dew claws too, but they do not bother me. Maybe someone tried to remove them when I was a puppy.
Glad you are feeling better. I don't know how anyone could say to give you back. that is awful
Glad that your "fixing" and dew claw removal went good, although we didn't think you needed any "fixing" either! You'll be back to your rambuctions self in no time. We've had to wear that stupid lampshade thing before, also, and that has to be one of the worst things in the world to have to endure! Get well soon!! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hello beautiful MayaMarie
You will always be lovely to me, with or without dewclaws, and with or without your cone, or even withi or without your bits.
I am glad your are home and you will soon be naughty again.
Love PIppa
Oh, you poor little darling, how awful to have towear a lampshade and have sore paws as well as a sore tummy. We wooo for you. I still have my dewclaws, but Jack's were removed when he was itty bitty. We willl keep all paws crossed you're back in your window in no time.
Wooos & a-Rooos to a perfect little husky,
Jack & Star
Hi Maya -
Stoopid lampshade. We know you weren't broken but we're glad the vet guy made your dew claws better. We'll be happy to see you in your window again!
Hi-Woo MayaMarie,
Mommy posted pics of Juneau wearing his lampshade. So you are not alone wif one on. Stop by to see. Hope you are feeling much better.
Pee Ess - when you do stop by, don't furget to sign our guestbook.
Oh MayaMarie,
You are a perfect Husky girl and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
I remember when I had to do the lampshade thing. It was hard, but it was worth it. You'll get to play soon, I promise.
We're glad to hear you are feeling better each and every day! That lamp shade is no fun...I had to wear that when I got neutered too.
And, don't worry about what others say about you being defected. People say that about me too because I have seizures but like your humans mine wouldn't trade me for the world. It just makes us extra special, that's all. :)
Hope you continue to feel better and have a very speedy recovery!
MayaMarie, you look sooo cute curled up in a ball like that! No way could you be defective. That was mean of people to say you are defective and should be returned. I am glad your Mom didn't listen to them and kept you.
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