My middle name is Marie, but ever since I was a pup, Mom has called me MayaMarie (all one word and that is how it has stayed).
M - Mischevious if left unattended
A - Adorable is how I get my way
R - Raa Roo's is how I speak
I - Irresistable gets me anything I want
E - Enjoy being with my family.
Here's a puppy picture of me being Adorable, Irrestable and Enjoying being with Missy.

A - Always wants to be with the family
N - Never turns down a biscuit
N - Needs and loves lots of brushing (I think Missy is the only dog that wants to be brushed
and have all that extra fluff removed.)
Now, we tag Lorenza, Cosmos & Juneau, and Amici.
Husky Hugs to all. MayaMarie
Hi, MayaMarie.
Thanks for playing the game and for the tag!! I don't have a middle name but I will figure it out!
I think that describes you very well. I didn't know too much about Missy but that let me know her better.
Have a good night
You sure are adorable! Especially that pic of you as a little puppy! How cute!
That puppy picture is the cutest! It reminds us of the one where Guinness is meeting General. We love your middle name game answers
Wow, Missy's middle name is the same as mine!
-Kelsey Ann
You are VERY cute in that picture!! It's funny how many pups have the middle name Ann. It must be a good one!
Great middle names for BOTH of you! MayaMarie........ you are WAY too cute! That puppy pic of you with Missy is just ADORABLE!!!
Tail wags,
You look so adorable in that pic. How old were you?
My Mom loves your middle name but she sheepishly stated its because that is her middle name. :)
I don't have a middle name but I have nicknames so maybe I'll use that instead for the game. Thanks for thinking of me. I'll post for the tag soon! :)
Woo MayaMarie! These were great answers! P.S. I have put the nail clippers in the mail to you so you can feed them to Mr. Pool Cleaner. Shush! Mom does not know yet, ha rooo!
Hi MayaMarie,
Thanks for your nice comment on my page, we'd love to be friends with you and Missy. In answer to your question, I'll be 4 months old on Tuesday, born April 28, Mikki is 15 months, born in May of 2006, Cracker is just over 2, born in April 2005, and Chili is 3 1/2, born in Jan. 2004. We live in Jacksonville, FL, mom says it's a swamp, but Dad says y'all probably really know what a swamp feels like! Mom grew up in Aridzona, and says humidity over 10% is cruel and inhuman (& inhusky) torture. Hope y'all have grrrreat AC so you can stay cool and get out of the heat.
Frosty dreams and manykisses,
Bama & the RHP
What a beautiful photo. Definitely a spot-on middle name - even if you do use it all the time.
Those are great descriptions, and you even have some photographic evidence!
Hi MayaMarie,
We just read your comment on our page, so sorry about you getting that bad food, but sounds like your mommy is feeding you good stuff now. Every Sunday our humans roast & chop about 10 lbs of chicken & turkey, cook 6 bags of rice, and mix it all up with 4 cans of veggies,(peas & carrots, green beans, spinach, & beans), about a cup of shredded cheddar cheese, and 6 eggs. Sometimes she adds some cottage cheese, too. Then she splits it into 7 portions & freezes it for the week, and every night we get that mixed with an equal portion of Pedigree kibbles. After her research though, she's going to cut back the kibble and rice and start slowly adding the raw food...we'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the tip on our page about yogurt and bananas, I know what I'm asking for breakfast!
Bama & the RHP
PS, I added a link to you on our site, please feel free to do the same.
is that u n ur mum?? u love gazing at her?
Great name game! Very cute puppy pic with Missy. Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hi MayaMarie,
I answered your question in the comments on my post about the food prep, but in case you don't check my page for while, here it is again:
Mom mixes all the ingredients for our meals together when she does the prep on Sundays. Then she divides it into daily portions and bags each portion in a gallon freezer bag. For the 4 of us, each bag ends up just about 2 lbs, so she sets the defrost setting on the micro for 2 lbs, & vents the bags about an inch to let steam out, after its mostly defrosted she kind of mushes it up by hand to mix the hot and cold and make sure there aren't any frozen chunks in the middle, and if it's too hot she'll let it sit a little to cool down. If she remembers to take it out of the freezer early enough, she just lets it thaw in the sink. Mom says she figures that human micro dinners have pasta & veggies in them too, so she doesn't see any reason why the freezing should affect them, and since it's already all mixed up it makes it easy to store and prepare.
Awwwww, that puppy picture is too cute!! Missy is a good sister.
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