Hello My Furry Friends. I am sure you want to know about all this tasting. Well, we get to do a lot of tasting in our house. Mom likes to cook and we so enjoy it. She made special meatballs, just for us pups. They were so yummy. I got to taste them before Bella and Missy got any. I'm the only one that's allowed to put paws on the counter. That's because I only do so when asked by mom.
Of course we had to taste the peanut butter to make sure it was safe for our biscuits. It was safe and good. We wanted more, but were told to wait for the biscuits.
Missy approved of the bannans for the cake. The house smelled so good while that was baking.
And I approved of the icing. Oh, that is the most delicious cake the AO4's mom shared with all. We want mom to make that again.
Now about these boxes. Something about taste testers. Be on the lookout for your box. They went out today. 
We have had a good time in the kitchen while certain recipies are being perfected. It was very tiring seeing all those biscuits go in boxes and then leave the house. Now she has to make us another AO4 Banana Cake with lots of yummy icing.
Mom is still job hunting and we are happy that she is home with us making dog biscuits.
Oh, I know I was tagged by Echo in this new game. I'll answer that next.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Yum! You are very lucky to have been able to taste test all those yummy things! I get tastes once in a while too.
My mommy thinks about you lots because I like to sit in the window just like you. Maybe some day she can get a picture like yours.
Hugs, Kodak
Mmmm, banana cake! And all those COOKIES! You guys have SUCH a talented mom!
Maya Marie, you look so sweet and gentle with your paws on the counter!
Play bows,
Wow having your mom home all day must be the best!! We're very much looking forward to getting our taste testing package in the mail. We just can't wait! That must have been very hard work doing all that demanding testing! Good gig if you can get it!! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Banananana Cake? Did I read that right? MMMM! I need to find out how to get to your house.
Woos, Mayamarie,
You have a very special humom there, what with the biscuits, the cake & icing, and the meatballs! sure wish we were close enough to come for a visit!
Star & Jack-a-roo
Zim's khorrekht - Bananananannana khake!
Thanks for you nice khomment on my blog about my six words! It was fun to do once I realized my 'theme' -
SniffSniffSniff - I think I smell YOUR kitchen from HERE!
I khan't wait!
Hi, MayaMarie!
Sure is nice to be the Master Taster in your home!
I agree. I'd love to have my mom all day long with me! And making all those great recipes!
Kisses and hugs
So, let me get this straight. Bella wouldn't fit in the box? Is that because all of those white boxes in that one picture were already in the box coming to my house? If so, that's fine. I mean, I wanted to see Bella too, but all those treats will be a good substitute.
That cake does look delicious. How would your mom ever bake without you?
Oh! That banana cakes sounds so good. I am already drooling. You always make the best things.
We hope the job hunt is coming along. It must be nice to have your Mom stay at home with you.
You have been very lucky to get to taste all of those treats. Our girl never bakes anything good for us.
We volunteer to be one of your taste testers. We'll even be extra nice to the mailman this week to make sure that he doesn't steal the treats.
Comet and BLU
Thanks for stopping over with your pawsitive thoughts for Tasha. We still have our paws crossed for a miracle.
Wow you three! I am impressed that woo are allowed to put your paws on the counter. I agree with my man Zim. Woo mom is so talented and she makes SUCH GOOD KHOOKIES!
We can't wait for our taste test!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hi grrrls,
Our mom is doing the job hunt thingy too, she says it's no fun at all, but we love having her home all the time.
Please ask your mom if she got our tester answers in the SMS mail, if not just let us know and she'll send them again privately to your mom, her cookies are the BEST! Thanks for letting us participate!!
Bama & the RHP
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