No More Bandages & Squirrel Cookies
Aroooo roooo my furry friends! The bandages, they are off! Mom cut them off this morning. Oh it felt so good! Here's me on this sofa just now playing with duck. I was not very picture cooperative today. I was too busy being happy about having my paws free.
Well, she made us cookies today. Squirrel cookies! They are our cheesy biscuits, but she got some new cookie cutters. Pans of squirrels. Since I can't seem to catch one, and they are out front when I look out my window just running around digging holes in the front lawn, I'll have to settle on eating squirrel cookies. Just wait till I get out front.
This is our favorite place. Mom can't figure out why we both have fit our big selves in a corner under the hutch behind a chair. We just like it there.
Hope everyone had a fun Saturday. What about this time change thing? Do you understand this setting your clocks to fall back? Dad is all excited because he gets an extra hour to sleep in. I don't know about you'all, but when me and Missy want to get up, we are kinda noisy. I guess mom will have come in our room in the morning to quiet us down. We like when she comes in our room and lays on the sofa with us.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Glad to hear that you are free. We are very excited about the extra hour of sleep. THe Kapp Pack definitely likes to sleep in!
WOo woo, Kelsey Ann
I am so pleased you are on the mend and we can see your beautiful patitas again.
We had our time change last week. I ignored it. Hehe. I made master get up when I wanted to get up.
We're SO glad the bandages are OFF! Ha roooooo!
Wow... I thought the squirrel cookies were made from squirrels at first. Ha roo roo roo!
Great pictures!
Play bows,
We're so glad you're free again! Love those squirrel cookies too. I paid no attention to that time change thing. I was up at my usual time even though Dad tried to explain that it wasn't 5:30, it was 4:30. Whatever. It was time to get up!
Oh good, no more bandages!!
Cool cookies! I guess if you can't have the real thing, the baked fake ones will do just as well!
Woohoohowrooo! No more bandages!! We know that's gotta make you the happiest pup in the blogs this week! Those skwirrl cookies look so yummy! We hate skwirrls, but think they would probably be okay in cookies...duh, mom just 'splained they're not made out of real skwirrls, oh well, bet they're still really tasty!
Bama & the RHP
Were we on the same page or what? My Mom checked on her earlier posts about your recipe and made me those cookies today too!! She made them star shapes and they came out really good! Great minds think alike! (but it helps to have such a great resource...thanks so much for letting us use your recipe..Amici LOVES it!).
Wow, you are so lucky to get homemade treats! My mom used to make them and sell them, but she doesn't do any of that any more. Maybe I'll gry to get her to make some.
So good to hear the bandages are all gone. You should have a wonderful week!
Hugs & licks, Clive
Yeah! No more stitches for you!!
I wasn't very happy when I didn't get my breakfast at 6:30 yesterday. I barked and said, "It's 6:30, gimme some food!" Mom said, "No, it's 5:30. Go back to sleep." So I decided to stand on the bed staring at her and by 7:00, I mean 6:00, she caved.
Oh, I also forgot to say that you should have your mom throw your squirrel cookies around so you can practice catching squirrels. Ha, ha!
Ooo yum, those squirrel cookies look yummy! Congrats on dumping the banadages, no wonder you didn't want to hold still for pictures! We like your hidey-spot, loks very cozy.
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack
Hi, MayaMarie
Sure you feel great now that you no loger have those bandages!
Yummy squirrel cookies! Sure your mom knows how to make you and Missy happy!
Have a good night
Oh, you are sooooooo lucky! I can't wait until my foot is all healed and I don't have to wear this stupid lampshade anymore! Glad you are feeling better MayaMarie, and thanks for your good wishes, you are a good friend!
Yipee-Woo-Woo, I'm so glad yur bandages are off, MayaMarie. I bets those squirrel cookies were real yummy. We have squirrels around our neighborhood, but they don't look as good as those cookies - too hairy! My stitches came out yesterday.
Woo Hoo!!! Great news! I am glad the bandages are off. Oh, and you got squirrel cookies, too? How cool!
Hmm want to send me some of those cheesy biscuits?
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